Winners Love Personalized Awards

Success on Display

Award recipients work hard to stay on top of their game. That’s why we love to see publications offer their winners hyper-personalized keepsakes. Take, for example, Virginia Business’s new Virginia 500 profile plaque. In addition to sporting a profile and award cover, this plaque is inscribed with the winner’s award category and name. It’s a small detail, but it’s design elements like these that make your award keepsakes special.

Personal Touches Boost Sales 

Personalized plaques tend to drive higher sales than their generic counterparts. In fact, during a recent award event, we noticed that 9 out of 10 winners chose profile plaques over cover awards. This proportion is common in stores that offer both options. 

The More Personalized, The Better

Winners love to see information like their names, their portraits, and their achievements displayed on their awards. If your publication already includes a profiles feature, consider adding an “award cover and profile” option to your News Keepsake store. If not, we recommend including your winners’ names and achievement categories on your next cover awards.  

Visit Our Gallery

Looking for more award ideas? Stop by our gallery to see some of our favorite designs. Also, be sure to stay tuned next Friday for our next Weekly Feature. See you then!