Looking for a way to build relationships with advertisers and sell more advertorial spaces? For years now, our advertorial plaques have helped dozens of our partners do just that. Read on to find out how to bring in extra revenue with these unique offerings.
Advertisers Find Value in Preserving Their Features
Unlike traditional ads, advertorials are designed to blend in seamlessly with your magazine. Those who purchase these spaces often spend a great deal of time making sure their content has an attractive, editorial feel. These plaques will let them hold onto and display their feature for years to come.
Invaluable Brand Recognition
We design each of our advertorial displays to include your publication’s logo. That means, in addition to boosting your advertisers’ brands, these plaques will also serve to establish your publication’s place in the community. It’s a win-win all around.
“Our professional ‘Bests’ find great value with the plaques we include in the medium to larger size profile packages, allowing us to offer a great incentive. It’s such a delight to see these plaques in offices all over town. We love that these very deserving health and legal professionals have proudly displayed their recognition from their peers to their clients and patients.”
Kym Rock Davidson, D Magazine
Plaques Incentivize Bigger Ad Space Purchases
Some of our partners offer complimentary plaques to those who purchase substantial advertorial spaces in their publications. Convincing your clients that larger spaces are worthwhile can be challenging. Our custom, archival display plaques sweeten the deal, often giving advertisers that much-needed push.
Sell Plaques in a Way that Works for You
While many of our partners opt to include plaques in their advertorial packages, others simply chose to sell these displays in their NewsKeepsake stores. Whichever route you choose to take, our team is here to help you get started. Click the button below to learn more about offering advertorial plaques.